Central Europe Flooding
Status: Closed
Update 9/25 | Summary
Posting Date: September 25, 2024, 11:00:00 AM
The Verisk Flood modeling team continues to study and model the impacts of the recent extensive flooding across parts of Germany, Czechia, Poland, and Austria. At the conclusion of this modeling exercise, we will provide an ALERT posting with an industry loss estimate, custom modeled scenarios of the event packaged into Touchstone and Touchstone Re event sets, industry loss footprint based similar stochastic events, and a shapefile of the median loss modeled flood extent. At present, we plan to deliver this posting early-to-middle of the week of 30th September. A more specific update on timing will be provided as the modeling of this event concludes.
ALERT™ subscribers can download an updated shapefile created from data published by the Copernicus Emergency Management Service Rapid Mapping product for this event (EMSR755 through 759 and 671 through 764) from the Downloads tab of this posting on the ALERT website, which can be utilized within the Touchstone® Geospatial Analytics Module or any GIS application to better understand the extent and impacts of this event. Note these shapefiles may not cover the full extent of the event.
Please contact your Verisk representative with any questions.
Update 9/25 | Downloads
Posting Date: September 25, 2024, 11:00:00 AM
The information provided herein is strictly confidential and is solely for the use of Verisk clients; disclosure to others is prohibited.
Shapefile Downloads
Note: Downloads related to the posting are listed below. Please use the appropriate application to view these files.